On Day 2 with COVID, I still did not think I actually had COVID. Later, when I discovered I had COVID, I decided the day my face swoll up like a balloon would be marked as the first day, but was that really the first symptom? I had joint pain for two days before my facial swelling. Joint pain is another one of those random COVID symptoms that most people do not correlate with the virus.
In fact, one of my close friends who is a firefighter never had any symptoms other than muscle aches, joint pain, and a mild headache. He described the joint pain and muscle aches as how you would feel the next day after a really tough workout. My joint pain felt like a hip or knee injury. I questioned, “did I injure myself during my last workout?”
I was in Dallas, TX, and about to board a flight back home. Should I fly? I did have shrimp before the facial swelling, so I thought this was an allergic response. Histamines can make you feel really tired and drained. If you google facial swelling and COVID, there are a few others who presented this way, but I still did not think this was my story. I wore an N95 mask, a surgical mask, and my facial shield so I was protected from others and they were protected from me as well.
Besides feeling slightly drained, I really felt fine on day 2. I was able to go shopping, sight see in Dallas, TX, and enjoy my last day with my favorite person. You can learn more about how I treated these weird symptoms and my at-home COVID treatment on day 2 here.
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